Special Events // Ways to Get Involved

God’s Garden hosts special events all year long. These events are not possible without your help. To volunteer, please contact us at  godsgarden@horizonchurch.com or at 480.460.0081.

Here is a description of our annual special events:

  • Curriculum Night (August or September) – Curriculum Night is held about 1 month into the
    school year. It is an opportunity for parents to learn about the Curriculum in the
    classroom. Parents will also get to see children’s work, ask questions, and learn about what the
    children have been doing and learning at school.
  • Ice Cream Social (August or September) 5:30-6:30pm – What better way to beat the heat than
    with ICE CREAM?!?! And this is a great way to meet the wonderful families that make up our
    God’s Garden Community. This is a fundraiser and includes; ice cream, delicious toppings,
    crafts, & fun-filled activities for your family!
  • Harvest Festival (Last Wednesday in October) – Our Fall Harvest Festival takes place at the end
    of October. Children participate in a costume parade, games, activities, and collect candy. Food
    is also available. Parents must accompany their child as teachers will be working the games.
  • Trunk or Treat (Last Saturday in October) 3:00-5:00pm – Come fully dressed in Halloween
    costumes and gather treats by going trick-or-treating from car trunk to car trunk. Event includes
    a costume contest and trunk contest. We need volunteers to bring their trunks. Please register here –
  • Christmas Program and Live Nativity (December) at 5:30pm. Celebrate the birth of Jesus
    with our annual “Happy Birthday, Jesus” Christmas Program at Horizon Church. The Children
    sing Christmas songs and share the story of Jesus’ birth. Families are invited to enjoy cocoa and
    cookies while viewing the live nativity and petting zoo in the Horizon Church.
  • Transportation Day (February) – Transportation Day is our biggest event. It is an annual event
    that draws 3,000 children and their families to explore vehicles of all sizes, shapes, and
    types. You can experience all forms of transportation in late February on the Horizon
    Presbyterian Church and God’s Garden Preschool campus. Want to be a part of this exciting
    event? You can contribute to a raffle or participate through other Sponsorship Opportunities or
    you can help coordinate this event by volunteering to serve on our Transportation Day Planning
    Committee. Click here for the Transportation Day page.
  • Bike Safety Day(s) (April) – Bike Safety Day is a fun, interactive and educational program to
    teach our kiddos about bike and traffic safety. Bike Safety Day will be headed by the City of
    Phoenix Bike Safety Program. They are accompanied by firemen and policemen to help run the
    program. Each student will ride a bike, scooter or tricycle of their choice through a “road course”
    in the God’s Garden parking lot. Each child can bring their own bike or scooter (or one will be
    provided) and their helmets (safety first ).
  • Easter Service and Breakfast (March or April) – We will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
    Christ during a special Easter Chapel and Breakfast buffet. The children will participate in an
    Easter Egg Hunt and a special Easter Craft. Families are invited to attend. This is a great way to
    get involved with our school.
  • Water Days (May) – God’s Garden classrooms will be celebrating the end of the year with our
    annual water days. Children explore water through a variety activities including – water tables,
    baby pools, spray bottles, squirters, and more. This is one of the kids most favorite days!
  • Graduation – God’s Garden Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms celebrate the end of the school
    year with a classroom graduation celebration in the Church Sanctuary!!